Return Your Seattle Copier With Reduced Risks to Your Bottom Line
Maybe you know, maybe you don’t know, but this post assumes that you may not know the intricacies of returning your Seattle copier at your own expense. In case you don’t know but even if you do know, you can benefit from reading this post. There are many copier reps that will take advantage of the intricacies therein lease contracts. It is meant to exploit superficial parts of the contract that are intended to demotivate you from returning the copier with no strings attached. They use certain fear tactics where you feel compelled to sign on for a free deal with possible additional expenses, which basically translates to another lease and another copier. If you would rather spend $800-$1,000 out of your own pocket and be done with them, read these three tips:
- Don’t miss the window of opportunity to return your copier, or the lease will roll over and you are stuck with the copier for another lease term. Notify them of your intent at no more than 90 days before the end of the lease.
- Remove the consumables, remove the add-ons, and package the device. But before you do all that, take pictures to prove that the machine was in good shape before you returned it.
- Let vendor or reps know that you have packaged the device, and ask them what they can do to help reduce the costs associated.